Need help
with your
solar system?

Your only choice for dedicated solar service in Idaho. For local help start with our interactive service form linked below.

SolarEdge System RepairEnphase System RepairAPsystems Solar RepairLG Solar Battery RepairGenerac Solar Generator RepairSPAN Panel Service
SolarEdge solar system repair
Enphase solar system and battery repair
APsystems solar repair and service
LG battery service and repair
Generace generator and solar repair
SPAN panel repair and service

How can we help you with your solar journey?

Idaho solar system monitoring on computer


We use proprietary software to monitor your solar system remotely. System owners receive monthly updates on their system and alerts when service is needed.



With over 10 years of experience in the solar field, we are here to keep your solar system producing power year round. Quick, local solar repair, is always our priority.

Idaho solar warranty assistance
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Solar warranties can be a headache without proper certifications. We have great relationships with most manufacturers making warranty work a breeze.

Getting the most out of your solar investment

Our goal is ensuring Idaho solar owners can harness the full potential of their solar systems by offering comprehensive solar repair and monitoring solutions.

Local service. 365 days of the year.
Trust Local.

Solar Keep is your only local source for dedicated solar service. Unlike other companies that come and go, we're here to stay and support our community.

As a local company, we understand the issues our area has faced with disappearing solar installers. Our mission is simple: to provide fast and dependable solar system services for our neighbors. We're dedicated to improving the local solar industry's reputation.

With our experienced team, you can count on us for all your solar repair needs. Choose Solar Keep for a trustworthy partner in your solar journey, and help us build a sustainable solar future right here in Idaho.


Solar Keep